Sunday, November 4, 2007

Now is the time for Night photography

With Nov 5th fireworks and the darker nights that are around now you should try night photography.
You'll will need something to rest the camera on, a tripod or bean-bag (pkt of rice in a cloth bag?) perhaps and should use a cable release. (e.g.
or for the eos 350d

N.B. Remember, if you are photographing fireworks in the sky use the 'B' shutter setting and turn Autofocus off. Focus manually probably on infinity if they are a long distance away!!!

Suggested exposures for difficult (dark/night) subjects


Film speed (ASA/ISO)

64-100 400-800 1000-1500

Candle-lit scenes

1/4 f2.8

1/30 f2.8

1/30 f4

Indoor Christmas lights

1 f4

1/30 f2

1/30 f2.8

Brightly-lit city streets

1/30 f2

1/60 f4

1/60 f5.6

Neon signs

1/30 f4

1/125 f5.6

1/125 f8

Shop windows

1/30 f2.8

1/60 f5.6

1/125 f5.6

Floodlit buildings, monuments, etc.

1 f4

1/30 f2

1/30 f2.8

Skyline at night

4 f2.8

1 f4

1 f5.6

Skyline at dusk Moving traffic (streaked headlights)

1/60 f 4

20 f 16


10 f32

1/125 f 11

5 f32

Fairgrounds, amusement parks

1/15 f2

1/60 f2.8

1/125 f2.8

Fireworks (hold shutter open on B for a few bursts)


f 16


Lightning (hold shutter open on B for a few streaks)


f 11

f 16


1/30 f2.8

1/60 f5.6

1/125 f5.6

Outdoor night sport, athletics

1/30 f2.8

1/250 f2.8

1/250 f4

Moonlit landscapes

30 f2

4 f2

4 f2.8

Moonlit snowscapes

15 f2.8

4 f4

4 f5.6

Indoor sport

1/30 f2

1/125 f2.8

1/250 f2.8

Galleries, museums, etc.

1/8 f2

1/30 f2.8

1/60 f2.8

Stage performances

1/4 f2

1/30 f2.8

1/60 f2.8

Hospital delivery rooms

1/30 f2

1/60 f4

1/60 f5.6

Star trails (hold shutter open on B for at least 5 minutes)



f 8

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